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Learn More About Affordable Housing

Engaging with Affordable Housing


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In our first four weeks of the series, we’ll set the stage by defining what affordable housing is and who is impacted. Ivan Marchena, NUS’19 Leader, will introduce us to the cause. Molly Rennie and Blair Schleicher Wilson will talk about their work with the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Project. Catherine Barreda will speak to how the affordable housing cause impacts communities and populations differently. Finally, we’ll hear from representatives from our most popular build partners, Habitat for Humanity affiliates, about how they work within their specific frameworks to meet their communities’ specific needs.

Ivan Marchena

Paralegal Advocate, Tenant Rights Coalition, Brooklyn Legal Services, NUS'19 Leader

Why We Ride: an Introduction to Affordable Housing

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Molly Rennie & Blair Schleicher Wilson

Director for Strategic Partnerships, The ALICE Project; CEO of Morris County Habitat for Humanity, respectively

Working Hard and Struggling to Survive

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Catherine Barreda

Deputy Director, Tenant Rights Coalition at Brooklyn Legal Services

What is Affordable Housing and Who is it For?

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Panel of 5 Habitat for Humanity affiliates

Thinking Outside the Frame: Using the New Construction Model to Address Community Needs

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Moving into July, we’ll take a short break from affordable housing to hear from the Executive Director of TextLess Live More about their campaign to end distracted driving along with igniting a cultural shift towards a society less dependent on interaction with devices. From there we’ll transition back to housing, where Angela McIver will discuss the historical significance of the Fair Housing Act, redlining, and how racial segregation continues to impact communities through the achievement gap, wealth gap, and over-policing. Later in the month, we’ll hear about the unique challenges that individuals in rural America face when searching for affordable housing. Finally, Ethan Mascoop will discuss the relationship between housing and public health and the impact of unstable housing in the mitigating the effects COVID-19.


Marie McGrath

Executive Director, TextLess Live More

GetLiving: How to Live More in a Distracting World

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Angela McIver

Chief Executive Officer, Fair Housing Rights Center in Southeastern PA

Fair Housing to the Rescue

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Carolyn Dunn

Executive Director, Stafford County Economic Development

Rural Affordable Housing

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Ethan Mascoop

Adjunct Clinical Instructor, Environmental Health, Boston University

Housing as a Social Determinant of Health

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Dawone Robinson

Natural Resources Defense Council

Energy Equity in Affordable Housing

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This month we’ll be wrapping up the series with two last sessions. First, we’ll hear from Colin Killick, Executive Director of the Disability Policy Consortium, about his experience as a community organizer and outline ways in which listeners can advocate for housing affordability and accessibility in their own communities. Finally, to close out the summer’s Speaker Series, Bike & Build’s Program Director Erik Wright will facilitate a group meeting to give folks the opportunity to meet and talk with each other about their biggest takeaways from the summer, and how they plan to take this information and move forward as affordable housing advocates themselves.

Colin Killick

Executive Director, Disability Policy Consortium

Advocating for Change in Affordable Housing

Watch the recording

Erik Wright

Program Director, Bike & Build

End of Summer Wrap Up and Reflection