Committed to Safety
Maximizing the safety of our riders was the most important thing we did at Bike & Build.
Committed to Safety
We maintained active dialogue with cycling advocacy groups, touring companies, and the League of American Bicyclists; this helped us continually refine our safety policies and orientations for riders. We took safety extremely seriously; we employed multiple proactive measures to minimize risks to our riders. However, cycling is an inherently dangerous activity, and Bike & Build has experienced four fatalities in previous years. Learn more about Paige, Christina, Patrick, and Anne.
Needless to say, we took safety very seriously at Bike & Build. In a nutshell, our protocol included:
Pre-Ride Safety Requirements
If you’ve explored what to expect on a Bike & Build trip, you’ve probably gathered that we were adamant about pre-ride requirements. Preparation was crucial for a trip like this one—especially when it comes to safety.
Before embarking, we encouraged riders to participate in Smart Cycling courses offered by League of American Bicyclists. These courses are available from certified instructors across the country.
In addition, riders were required to complete the following safety prerequisites:
Safety on The Road
In addition to extensive pre-ride requirements, Bike & Build was dedicated to on-the-road safety as well. We did all that we could to proactively mitigate the inherent danger that impaired and distracted driving pose to cyclists.
Pre-summer, we reached out to media outlets and police departments to recruit community support and increase awareness that our cyclists would be on local roads. Additionally, every time Bike & Build crossed into a new state, our Trip Leaders reviewed the state’s cycling laws with our riders.
In 2017, we began leaving behind socks with distracted driving awareness messaging at all of the hosts with which we stay. The socks come with literature explaining why this campaign is important, and how to be involved in spreading the message: #DontDriveDistracted

Some of the other specific precautions that we followed are:
Utilizing Flashing Front & Rear Lights
Bike & Build provided all riders with high-powered, daytime-visible flashing front and rear lights. These were rechargeable and were to be turned on at all times while the cyclist was straddling his/her bike.
Reflective Safety Triangles
All Bike & Build riders were not only required to wear their helmet at all times but also their safety triangle on their back to maximize visibility to approaching traffic. Bike & Build provided the triangle to each rider upon acceptance to the program. The triangle must be visible on the outermost garment on the back of the rider.
Obeying all Traffic Laws
One of the main tenets of our safety curriculum is ‘Act Like a Vehicle.’ Cyclists had every right to be on the road and share the lane with vehicles, which means we must act like vehicles and subscribe to the same rules of the road.
If we want the respect of vehicles on the road, riders need to follow the same rules.
Support Vehicles
Bike & Build had two support vehicles per trip: a lead van and trailer that carried the gear to the host, and a more direct support vehicle that carried the day’s necessities such as water, food, and an emergency medical kit. In the morning, the lead vehicle drove the entire route ahead of the cyclists, scanning for road hazards, construction, or any other potential obstacle along the day’s route, which they then relayed back to the team on the road. Once that vehicle finished the route and reached the destination, it was then accessible for additional on-the-road support.
Additionally, the support vehicles were always available to riders who were ill, injured, or felt uncomfortable on a road. Riders should’ve felt no hesitation calling or using the van.
Safety Navigator
Over the course of the trip, every rider was required to spend 2+ days in the van serving as the “Safety Navigator”. The Navigator supported their leaders and fellow teammates in the following ways:
- Noted riding habits and safety practices as the van approaches and passes riders.
- Assisted with directions in addition to taking general notes about the cue sheet for future record.
- Assisted with lunch set up/ clean up, answer phone calls, and other potential responsibilities relative to that day (grocery store runs, rider pick ups, etc)
Bike & Build was a team expedition and this role was an important part of the group’s safety and success. We recognize you wanted to be on your bike as much as you can (and so did we), but similar to other B&B rules and practices, this position would facilitate the execution of your trip and it was an essential component of your journey.
We required that all riders trained with and had a mirror on their bikes at all times throughout the duration of their Bike & Build trip. We instructed our riders to make a habit of turning around constantly to observe what was behind them; mirrors would allow additional vigilance to monitor any approaching vehicles or cyclists.
Every day, two riders were designated as “Sweep.” It was their responsibility to ensure that all riders made it to the host site in front of them. They stayed in contact with the Trip Leader driving the support van to alert them of any bike troubles or incidents on the road. Sweep carried a portable medical kit and cell phone.
6 Feet, 180 Degrees
When riders stopped, they were required to pull at least six feet off the shoulder and turn 180 degrees and face traffic so they could see oncoming vehicles.
Avoiding Unsafe Weather Conditions
Bike & Build riders knew from the moment they sign up to be prepared to ride in all types of weather situations, including but not limited to heat, humidity, wind, and rain. Riders were required to train in a variety of weather conditions prior to the trip to prepare for the different types of conditions they would face. Riders were required to pack layers for cold days, bright colors or reflective clothing for low-visibility days, and a flashing tail light.
During the summer, Trip Leaders were required check the weather report each morning and share that info with riders. Bike & Build would not ride if rider safety was in question. Bike & Build prohibited riders from riding if lightning was in the immediate vicinity, visibility was limited to the point where cars weren’t easily visible to riders, or vice versa.
Trip Leaders had the authority to remove cyclists from the road to avoid unsafe riding conditions. Riders also had the discretion to call the support van and request a shuttle if they were concerned about incoming weather. Riders were trained to take refuge from dangerous conditions if a shuttle was not immediately available, like in a local town, a nearby house, or if nothing else was available, in a ditch (such as in the case of lightning).